Protocol RegProtoDef

Description of a simple protocol to register for streaming and querying rates.

Message Code Description/Arguments
subscribe_all A Susbcribe globally to all instruments.
( )
list_instruments I List all the supported instruments.
( )
unsubscribe_all Z Remove subscriptions (global and specific).
( )
getrate G Immediately fetch a rate for a specific instrument.
( str8 instrument )
subscribe S Subscribe for notifications on a specific instrument.
( str8 instrument )
unsubscribe U Remove a subscription to a specific instrument.
( str8 instrument )
getrateall T Immediately fetch rates for all supported instruments.
( int8 txnid )

Protocol RateProtoDef

Description of a simple protocol that provides individual rate updates.

Message Code Description/Arguments
end_txn X End transaction.
( int8 txnid )
rate R Rate notification.
( int16 timestamp, str8 instrument, int16 bid, int16 ask )
decl_instrument I Instrument declaration.
( str8 instrument )