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From a list of files or directories, select the files in a way that will fit as close as possible a requested space, either by using given ordering, or by using any ordering to fit as close as possible the allowed size.

In other words, given a fixed size for bundling files or directory contents, what is the smallest amount of bundles we can fit the files in?

Output is lists of files, one list per line.

(For now only the simple algorithm is provided.)


fit-sizes [<options>] <file-or-dir> [<file-or-dir> ... ]

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This computer program or library is provided for free. I am aware that some of the programs that I provide for free allow people to get their work done faster or better, save them time and money. If you are using this program for benefit, especially if you are using it within a commercial environment and it saves you time or work, please consider making a donation by sending me a book from my Amazon Wishlist or by a direct donation to my company's PayPal account by clicking on the link below.


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