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Addition to optparse to automatically parse and store the arguments.

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Addition to optparse to automatically parse and store the arguments.

This module provides a new class OptionParserWithArgs() that allows specifying the contents of the arguments (always non-optional) and that places the results on the resulting options container object rather than return the arguments.

10 Second User Guide

Use it like this:

import optparse_wargs as optparse

parser = optparse.OptionParserWithArgs(...)

parser.add_argument('dbname', 'The database name to work on.')
parser.add_argument('dumpfile', 'The dump file to work on.')

opts = parser.parse_args()

# Use opts.dbname, opts.dumpfile, ...


  • The parse_args() function does not return the arguments anymore, they are stored on the options object.
  • Collisions between option attribute names and argument names are detected. Specifying an incorrect number of arguments will fail automatically.
  • The generated usage help now includes the documentation for the arguments.
  • When you add an argument, you can specify how many of the arguments to consume. Using -1 will store all the remaining arguments in the destination.

To Do

  • We need to submit this to Optik.
  • Write tests.
  • Actions would be convenient for arguments as well.

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