
Iyá so loyú

Alternate Names:

Orishas: Ochún


time orisha canto
Danza Contemporanea de Cuba, Ilu Aña: Sacred Rhythms - 6
[0:00--0:46] Ochún iya soloyu (Alt#225)
Iluyenkori, Cuba - Tambours Batá - 6
[0:00--2:46] Ochún iya soloyu (Alt#225)
Lazaro Ros, Orisha Aye: Oshun - 5
[0:00--2:25] iya soloyu (Alt#225)
Merceditas Valdés con Grupo Yoruba Andabo, Aché IV - 4
[3:58--4:57] Ochún iya soloyu (Alt#225)
Papo Angarica, Fundamento Yoruba! - 19
[0:00--0:21] Ochún (seco)
[0:21--fin] Ochún iya soloyu (Alt#225)


Accompanying Cantos

Note that the following data is the same as the above, but reorganized differently.